
The default values for the global package configuration are provided in peri.conf.default_conf. The configuration variables are described here:

Variable name Default value Description
fftw-threads -1 Number of threads for fftw to use, -1 indicates all available
fftw-planning-effort FFTW_MEASURE One of (FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PATIENT) where options to the right take longer the first time but are faster in subsequent evaluations.
fftw-wisdom ~/.peri-wisdom.pkl Location of file in which to store wisdom. Wisdom is the results of fftw benchmarking itself, allowing it to run as fast as possible.
log-filename ~/.peri.log Name of file for logging.
log-to-file False Whether or not to actually save logs to a file as well
log-colors False Display logs in color (supported by xterm256)
verbosity vvv Level of verbosity for logs, the more v’s the more verbose

Dump the default_conf to the configuration file


The configuration file either lives in ~/.peri.json or is specified on the command line via the environment variables PERI_CONF_FILE

Load the configuration with the priority:
  1. environment variables
  2. configuration file
  3. defaults here (default_conf)

Read all environment variables to see if they contain PERI


Translate environment variables to ones corresponding to keys in the configuration. In particular, env variables may be made with “PERI_”+key_name: fftw-threads = PERI_FFTW_THREADS. Each env var is later checked to see if it has to do with PERI