
The FFT module is an abstraction that switches between numpy.fft and pyfftw. If pyfftw is present than it uses the pyfftw.interfaces to build a fast interface for fftw with wisdom storage. Since the interfaces are the same for numpy and pyfftw, that identical interface is passed on through the peri.fft.fft object.


The one caveat is that every function call to peri.fft.fft.* must unpack extra arguments:

peri.fft.fft.ifftn(..., **peri.fft.fftkwargs)

To use this module, simply import the fft object from the module and use it as your would the standard numpy.fft module, except for the extra arguments:

from peri.fft import fft, fftkwargs
fft.fftn(image_array, **fftkwargs)

Prime FFTW with knowledge of which FFTs are best on this machine by loading ‘wisdom’ from the file wisdomfile


Save the acquired ‘wisdom’ generated by FFTW to file so that future initializations of FFTW will be faster.